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Creative Landscape Designs For Your Front Yard


Your home exists even in the minds of people who never stepped foot inside it. Many people walk or drive past it every day, and based on its appearance, they try to come up with all sorts of theories about you, your family, and your life in general. Why not give them some food for thought by creating the most unique front yard around? Here are some ideas for you to consider.

  1. Balancing aesthetics and functionality

Garden paths are a perfect example. On the one hand, they break the yard in areas, but at the same time, they improve traveling across the yard. Unlike a backyard, a front yard will always have to be traversed. It’s either you or the guest; without the right path, it will get muddy soon.

Most people have concrete or asphalt paths, but why not be a bit more creative? You could easily go with pea pebbles if you want to save money and don’t expect too much mud (due to the local climate). However, concrete, brick, and stone pavers are far more aesthetic solutions. Sure, the cost difference here is great, but at the same time, you don’t have that much ground to cover.

Other than this, you may also want to consider getting raised garden beds. This often makes a great difference and improves the results. You avoid the risk of trampling your flowers (vegetable gardens in the front yard are rare).

  1. Pick focal points

There are so many things you need to consider when picking focal points. For instance, your front door is a natural focal point, so any pathway leading to it will naturally get more attention.

Archways and arbors along this pathway are another amazing way to give your front lawn some extra love.

Another interesting idea is to pick the right mailbox. This way, you’re setting the perimeter before the rest of your front yard starts.

Remember that a small fountain in your front yard may be particularly tasteful. We’ve also discussed raised garden beds, but the layout of these beds makes quite a bit of a difference.

There are so many large plants that you can pick, even before thinking about adding or removing trees (which we’ll discuss a bit later). A nice shrub can drastically enhance the aesthetics of the area.

Naturally, you can set focal points during the evening by directing lights in one direction or another.

  1. Add a fiery element

Adding a fiery element is generally a great idea. All you need to do is make a pick. If you’re arranging a luxurious outdoor seating place with a deck, you might want to consider an outdoor fireplace. This can transform your patio into an alternative living room and allow you to enjoy it like never before.

There are a lot of styles, but the majority of people go for the Mediterranean fireplace. The biggest problem with outdoor fireplaces is that they’re expensive. Sure, they add a resale value, but they may be more than you can afford.

Remember that the biggest problem with outdoor fireplaces is that most people keep them in the backyard and might look off in the front yard.

It is also important that you understand that you also have other options. Fire pits are just one such option. They’re incredibly inexpensive and provide a much-needed illumination source in the middle of the backyard. Also, they’re quite simple, meaning you can make them DIY. Lastly, they’re far more stand-alone-ish. This means you don’t have a luxurious deck (although it won’t hurt). You can just put it in the middle of your backyard.

  1. More trees or less trees

They say that a tree can drastically increase the value of your property, but this kind of generalization is not always accurate. If a tree is out of place, it consumes your entire property, has roots that are undermining the foundation of the building, etc., you might have to remove it. Just remember that landscaping ideas after tree removal come next. You can’t just leave a space there.

Also, remember that planting a tree will take five to fifteen years to mature fully. In other words, if you’re not doing it for your pleasure, doing it to increase the curb appeal or resale value is not the brightest of ideas.

It’s also a good idea to pick a tree that will be a great fit for your yard and your climate in general. If you pick a tree that’s a perfect fit, you won’t have too much work around it. The same goes for pruning, irrigation, etc.

  1. Work on the privacy

While the front yard is something that’s often associated with private parties, in reality, your front yard should be kept private, as well. Growing a hedge doesn’t take as long as you would expect.

At the same time, a hedgegives you too much extra work. You need to prune it semi-regularly, which is far from simple. Why not make a fence instead? Making a good fence is not simple, but it’s a one-time project. Sure, you’ll have to repaint or fix it in a few years, but this is not as much work as you think. It’s also a great way to improve the exterior of your home. This fence and the top of your home are the exterior for anyone not entering.

Now, you can choose whether you want this fence to be tall or low. White picket fence (and a dog named Spot) was synonymous with an idyllic family life for the longest time. Then again, there are so many amazing options you could try.

If you want to look more natural, you could look for some fast-growing wines and let them climb up the fence.

Wrap up

You want to enthrall anyone passing by, increase your satisfaction with your home’s front exterior, and raise its resale value. In other words, you want to improve your home by handling the front-end of your gardening. Now, you have an idea of what you should focus on. Still, it’s down to personal preferences.

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