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Why Hydroponics is the best Christmas Gift


It's almost time for old St. Nicholas to start climbing down the chimney again -- we know what all the naughty little boys and girls are getting for Christmas. As my three-year-old cheerfully informed me last week -- they're all getting coal! But what about those of us have been good?

And what do you get for that person who has everything? Maybe it's your own mother-in-law, or other family member who has a touch of Martha Stewart in her life -- or your dad or uncle, or that guy who already has everything. What can you get these people?

How About Hydroponics?

This year, give your loved ones the gift of sustainable, enjoyable and efficient food production with a small hydroponics kit.

Hydroponics – A Happy Christmas!

Here are just some of the reasons why hydroponics equipment is a great gift to get somebody this holiday season.

The High Cost of Organic Supermarket Produce

Every year it seems like the cost of getting high-quality vegetables in a natural state gets higher and higher. Supermarket chains buy from big agribusiness firms that do all kinds of weird things to produce to keep it looking good in shipping -- but a lot of these processes detract from the nutritional value of the food, or even make it a bit dangerous – obviously, we don't want our food to be dangerous, so we pay more for organics.

Hydroponics helps you get around this vicious circle and grow your own food cheaply.

Farm to Table

Farm to table is a big trend these days. It cuts down on shipping costs, and it keeps us more in touch with our cycle of life. With hydroponics, you grew the food, so you know where it comes from. You might not have to worry as much about scrubbing vegetables, which can be very difficult to wash when you're busy preparing dinner.

Lifetime Learning

Want another reason to give the gift of hydroponics? It's also great for parents with young children or really, children of any age. There are two major ways that hydroponics helps with learning. First, it helps introduce students to biology, chemistry and other sciences with real ‘lab’ or hands-on activities, which most educators will tell you are critical to learning and development. The other major lesson the kids get from hydroponics is experience in how to be self sustainable -- how to produce more of what they consume, which is a very relevant issue in economics, civics and other kinds of educational disciplines.

So think about getting a grow box, a grow tent, or other piece of hydroponics gear for anyone in your family this holiday season. You might just be getting in on one of the biggest trends in consumer retail that might be getting talked about a lot more in the years to come.

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